JOYARA history, constitution and documents
The first public meeting agreeing to the creation of JOYARA occurred on 26th February 2013.
It was agreed that the fourth Tuesday of each month would then represent the Association’s normal meeting day: the first official meeting therefore set for 26th March 2013.
Therein its inaugural constitution was adopted and first Committee created.
Key attributes of current constitution
- The Association meets monthly on the fourth Tuesday of each month;
- Meetings occur in the Joydens Wood Residents Association Community Hall;
- Members are required to attend four meetings each Association-year;
- The Association-year runs from 1st June to 31st May in the following year.
The annual membership cost for the coming year is discussed within Committee and either set for the coming year or recommended for approval at one of the Members’ Meetings prior to becoming effective for the June association-year start date.
The cost was increased from £15 to £20 for the membership year 23-24, the first increase since the club's foundation
A concessionary membership rate is normally applied once we reach half-way through year to cover the residual part of the Association year through to the end of May.
May 2018
This version incorported the first references to 'GDPR', the General Data Protection Regulation, as required to adhere to changes in law over the safekeeping of members' personal information.
The Association Constitution:
July 2022
This version incorporated various changes including the removal of the rule that prevents members having simultaneous membership of more than one ARA, no longer being a KENTARA restriction, authority for the Committee to be able to raise the annual membership fee modestly without prior approval, and formalising a change of financial year-end of the Association to March 31st.
JOYARA refund policy:
CLICK HERE to download the Membership Application form (and Simplified Medical Form, needed for new members).
Application does not infer automatic approval: you may need to join the Membership Waiting List
CLICK HERE to download the Simplified Medical Form.
This is needed in case of emergency whilst attending one of the Members' Meetings.
CLICK HERE to download the Full Medical Form.
This will only need to be provided/updated when attending an event or trip formed of more than one day.
History of Chairpersons:
March 2013 - : Don Bartley
Tony Newman
June 2019 - March 2022: David Mann
March 2022 - : Mrs Marilyn Kingham